Thank you for coming to the wTr Essence site. All wTr Essence products will donate a portion of sales to REMIN’s west coast operations and global research efforts for the re-mineralization of polluted water ways into the oceans rivers and streams.
wTr has been working with it’s partner Remin who has been busy testing soils across the world in impoverished countries and here in America. The focus is to re-mineralize the soil using colloidal formatted minerals mined from rock that is rich with nutrients. Remin uses no nitrates, chemicals, pesticides, pollutants or additives which are normally used in traditional fertilizers. This administered process has proven very successful in the farm lands of middle America and right here in our own backyard in the San Ynez Valley. The Remin additive causes the water molecule to stay plump in the soil longer than it’s rapid drought table and the nutritional value and alkalinity has successfully worked to grow crop at a more progressive rate and with high mineral nutirents. Farmers have been very happy with the results of our research. What this means is that Organic food will have value and nutrients. We wont be spending top dollar strictly to eat foods that have no pesticides, hormones (yes this worked well in feed also) and various additives. We can actually buy “Organic” for the nutritional values Organic food was intended for.
Even better – it will be affordable for everyone!!
Now your wondering what this has to do with water right? Well we came across an article that the suicide rate of shrimp farmers in Thailand had risen due to the inability to feed their families because of lack of descent crop. Their shrimp had been growing in polluted waters and the size of the shrimp were less than desirable for market. So our researchers traveled to Thailand to help, and dumped Remin into the shrimp paddies and guess what happened ? Not only did the shrimp grow plumper and healthy, the Remin molecules bound themselves to the scum and pollution and pulled them down to the floor. Over a 6 month period that binding process disintegrated the scum and the pH balance of the ponds turned alkaline, the water was clean and the shrimp were fortified and plump and plentiful. REMIN NATURALLY CLEANED THE WATER!!
SO NOW……research for the waterways has begun. wTr Essence is spear heading the West Coast operations. Our mission at wTr is to prove to “powers that be”, that the pH of the waters can be turned around at the mouth of lagoons and at septic troughs before they go out into our oceans and rivers and streams. There is no reason for anyone to be swimming in our beautiful oceans that have been rated “F” by Heal The Bay and all the other wonderful organizations that work hard to keep beaches and the water clean.
Water Treatment Remineralization
Thanks you again for your support.
See you on the beach!!
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